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3.2.2 Fx_Entry options

Fx_Entry widgets are highly configurable and allow all the same options as the Fx_Frame widgetgif plus:

-entryfg color entry foreground color
-read_only 0|1 if set to 1, the field cannot be modified by user
-mandatory 0|1 if set to 1, field must be entered
-unique 0|1 if set to 1, field must be a unique value
-userconfig 0|1 if set to 0, user cannot reconfigure field options
-regexp_search 0|1 if set to 0, do not parse searches as regular expressions
-numeric_search 0|1 if set to 0, do not parse searches as numeric values
-date_search 0|1 if set to 0, do not parse searches as date values
-range_search 0|1 if set to 0, do not parse searches as ranges

The *_search options are effective only during simple searching; expert searches can still perform any type of search on any field. You typically want to disable regular expressions, dates, ranges, and numeric searches on fields that contain data such as ``123-1343-1234'' and have separators set to ``'' in the Schema (inventory item numbers, etc.)

Example: You might want to prevent a sales person from modifying line totals in your invoices.

    =Items.Price configure -mandatory 1 -userconfig 0
    =Items.Total configure -read_only 1 -mandatory 1 -userconfig 0

Herrin Software Development, Inc.