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3.2.1 Fx_Frame options

Most Fx_Frame options are automatically set by QddbScript, so you probably don't want to modify them. There are some options, however, that applications need to change on a regular basis. These include:

-beforeadd list evaluate list before adding an instance
-afteradd list evaluate list after adding an instance
-beforedelete list evaluate list before deleting an instance
-afterdelete list evaluate list after deleting an instance
-beforechange list evaluate list before bringing a new instance into view
-afterchange list evaluate list after bringing a new instance into view
-addtoend 0|1 add all new instances to the end of the instance list
-copy_instances list when a new instance is created, copy the last one in view
-showbutton_add 0|1 show ``Add'' button if attribute is expandable
-showbutton_view 0|1 show ``View'' button if attribute is expandable
-showbutton_del 0|1 show ``Del'' button if attribute is expandable
-anchor e|w|s|n|ne|se|sw|nw anchor for sub-frame $w.f_0
-labelfg color label foreground color

The before and after options are important because they allow the programmer to insert code (the ``list'') around the execution of any standard Fx action. For example, you may want to recalculate an invoice total after an item is deleted:

    =Items configure -afterdelete {
    } -addtoend 1

You may (re)configure any of these options at any timegif.

Herrin Software Development, Inc.